- Regency Movies -

With the recent release of Netflix’s Bridgerton, the Internet seems to be going crazy for this steamy new show. It claims to fame is that it’s the most ‘diverse shows” of its type to ever hit the viewers t.v and everyone should watch it because they are changing that genera.... blah blah blah....okay Netflix we get it... you make shows and spend the majority of your budget on diversity.  

The show follows the protagonist, Daphne, who’s goal in life is to find a suitable marriage mate before her delicate fountain of youth shriveled up and she becomes an old hag and, “the duke” Simon, troubled, daddy issue, mommy issues, upset all the time, should be in therapy but in the this wasn’t really a thing in the 1800’s so he solves out all his issues by filling his voids with sex, woman, and boxing. The main plot follows Daphne and Simon’s relationship, he doesn’t want to be married but needs a cover up so everyone will stop bothering him about marriage and, she needs someone to marry her so she won’t become destitute blah blah then, bam, they end up together and she’s shocked he’s exactly the person he claimed to be the whole time. whoa. Who didn’t see that one happening? 

I’m sure there are some other groundbreaking plot concepts in this show exist but, I didn’t end up finishing the series because 1. I realized watching this, I am a regency snob. 2. There are a LOT of extremely graphic sex scenes (probably to distract from the terrible plot, the “black characters” roles being stereotypical, and there’s no witty banter but i digress...) and 3. I used my time not watching it to give you this amazing list of films/ shows that are from that time period that are amazing and have incredible diversity cast! You’re welcome! 

-xx t.

a photo by terilyn